31 ianuarie, 2011

Windows 7 - How to enable files and folders sharing

In this tutorial I would like to help Windows 7 users who migrated to 7 straight from Windows XP, how to join a network and share files and folders on the network.
First of all you need a Windows 7 computer connected to a local area network. Network computers must be on the same workgroup so you can easily share files and folders between them.
To join the workgroup in your local network:

Open the Start menu and then right click Computer and choose Properties:

In the Properties window navigate to Computer name, domain and workgroup settings and click Change Settings:
A new window will appear. Here you can enter a brief descriprion of your computer (optionally). To join a workgroup click on Change button:
In the new window enter you computer's name and the workgroup's name and click Ok.
A welcome to the workgroup message will appear and click Ok. Then a warning message will pop up and click Ok to close it. Now click Close on the System Properties window and restart your computer.

Now your computer is on a Workgroup in your local area network but due to Windows 7 default network settings your computer is not yet ready to share files and folders. To enable file sharing you must:

Open Control Panel from the Start button and then go to Network and Sharing Center:

In the Network and Sharing Center window click on Change Advanced Sharing Settings from the left panel:
 To enable file sharing and make you computer discoverable on the network make sure you check the settings like in the picture below:

Restart computer for all the changes to take effect.

29 ianuarie, 2011

Windows 7 - How to uninstall Internet Explorer 8

I have recently found a question on internet from a kid, I think, who wanted to uninstall Internet Explorer from Windows. The solutions given by the answers he received weren't accurate enough so I hope this guide woill help him or anyone else who wants to uninstall a Windows feature. This is quite easy and for this you need to follow these simple steps:

First of all you must know you must be logged in as an administrator to perform this task.
Click the Start menu and open Control Panel.
After Control Panel opens, click on Programs and Features.

When the Programs and Features windows appears, go to the task pane and click on Turn Windows features on or off.

A new windows with a list of all Windows components will appear. Now search for Internet Explorer and clear the checkbox next to Internet Explorer, then click OK.

A warning message will pop up where you click OK.
Now Windows will uninstall Internet Explorer and after this your computer will be restarted.
If you want to do the same on other versions of Windows follow this link: click here

28 ianuarie, 2011

Anunt publicitar achizitie directa - Muzeul National Peles

In atentia operatorilor economici interesati

1. Emitent: Muzeul National Peles cu sediul in Sinaia, str. Pelesului, nr. 2, jud. Prahova, cod postal 106100, telefon 0244.310918, 0244.312184, fax 0244.312416, cod fiscal RO 27312381, cont trezorerie RO16TREZ5255003XXX000835 deschis la Trezoreria Sinaia

2. Procedura aplicata: Achizitie directa conf. art. 19 din O.U.G. nr. 34/2006
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10. Sursa de finantare: bugetul de stat
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   - Certificat fiscal eliberat de Administratia Financiara teritoriala la care este arondat sediul persoanei fizice sau juridice, dupa caz - copie conforma cu originalul/original
   - Alte documente care vor fi considerate necesare, dupa caz
12. Perioada de valabilitate a ofertelor: 60 de zile de la data depunerii ofertelor
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15. Valoarea estimata a contractului: 2680 lei fara tva (623.25 euro fara tva)
16. Criteriul de atribuire: pretul cel mai scazut, rezultat conform Studiu de piata
17. Data maxima de depunere a ofertelor prin fax, e-mail, scrisoare recomandata etc. la adresa sediului precizat mai sus: 10 zile lucratoare de la data publicarii sau solicitarii caietului de sarcini, dar nu mai tarziu de 15.02.2011
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27 ianuarie, 2011

Windows XP - How to add your computer to a workgroup

If your computer is already part of a network, you can join a certain workgroup so you can see all the computers on the network. To join a workgroup follow some simple steps:

Open Start Menu and right click on My Computer and choose Properties.

When the properties window appears, go to Computer Name tab and click on it. On this tab you can enter a computer description (optionally, if you want network users to easy recognize your computer). Click on Change to enter the workgroup name in your network (if you don't know it, just ask the network administrator for the workgroup name).

A new window will appear. Here you can enter your computer's name and then make sure Workgroup is checked and enter the workgroup name.Click OK and then restart your computer.

To see computers on the workgroup, open Network Places (from the Start Menu or open My Computer and click on My Network Places on the left panel), then click View Workgroup Computers on the Network Tasks  panel on the left.

If you want to see computers from other workgroups in your local network (if there are any), follow the step above and then click on Microsoft Windows Network from the Other Places panel on the left.

24 ianuarie, 2011

Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupt: vgaoem.fon (EN)

Few days ago my Windows XP Professional failed to start due to a power blackout and showed the following error:

Windows failed to start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

If for some reason this happens to you too, don't panic, the solution is very simple. Just make sure you have a Windows XP installation cd and follow these simple steps:

Setup your computer to boot from cd (do this from BIOS or press F12 or F11 to change the boot sequence; might be a good idea to check your motherboard manual first to see how to change the boot order). Insert your Windows XP installation cd and restart computer.
When the "Press any key to boot from cd..." appears, press any key to start computer from installation cd.

After the Welcome screen appears, press R to start Recovery console.

Choose the operating system and press enter. Type in the administrator password and hit enter or just hit enter if you don't have a password.

Type map and hit enter to see which letter is assigned to the cdrom device containing the installation CD.
Type the following command to copy and expand vgaoem.fon file (replace E : with the corresponding letter of your cd-rom drive. Do the same with C, replacing it with the corresponding letter of the partition where Windows is installed), then press enter):

expand E:\i386\vgaoem.fo_ C:\windows\system

Notice the underscore after "o" in "vgaoem.fo_".

A message confirming the operation will be displayed.

Type exit to reboot computer and remove the Windows installation cd. Now your Windows Xp should be fixed and start normally.

See here an official Micorosft guide for this: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=315338

Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupt: vgaoem.fon (RO)

Mesajul de eroare ce face titlul acestui articol, s-a intamplat sa imi apara dupa o pana de curent cand aveam calculatorul pornit. In cazul de fata fisierul cu erori este vgaoem.fon, insa aceasta eroare poate aparea si in cazul altor fisiere, cum de altfel mi s-a si intamplat.
Nu va speriati atunci cand observati ca Windows XP nu mai porneste dupa o pana de curent sau alte probleme cu tensiunea din prize (fluctuatii de tensiune). De obicei solutia este simpla, ca si in cazul acesta.
Pentru a rezolva problema asigurati-va ca aveti un CD de instalare de Windows XP si setati BIOS-ul sa booteze de pe CD (intrati in BIOS si modificati secventa de boot sau la pornirea calculatorului apasati F12 sau F11 in functie de placa de baza pe care o aveti).

Asadar, pasii sunt urmatorii:
Introduceti CD-ul in unitate si reporniti calculatorul, selectand apoi ca mediu de boot CD-ul (vezi mai sus), apoi la aparitia mesajului "Press any key to boot from CD", apasati orice tasta pentru a boota de pe CD.

Dupa ce apare interfata de instalare a Windows si  meniul cu optiuni apasati "R" pentru a intra in Recovery console.

Dupa ce s-a deschis interfata MS-DOS a consolei, selectati sistemul de operare si apoi introduceti parola de administrator (daca exista, daca nu, apasati enter).

Tastati map si apasati Enter pentru a putea vedea ce litera corespunde unitatii optice (ex. E:\Device\CDrom0).

Tastati urmatoarea comanda (inlocuiti CD_ROM drive cu litera corespunzatoare unitatii optice care contine cd-ul de instalare, iar drive reprezinta litera corespunzatoare partitiei pe care este instalat sistemul de operare, de obicei C) pentru a copia fisierul vgaoem.fon de pe cd-ul de instalare in directorul Windows:

expand CD-ROM drive:\i386\vgaoem.fo_ drive:\windows\system
Atentie: observati in comanda de mai sus prezenta caracterului underscore sau "liniuta jos" dupa litera "o" in "vgaoem.fo_"

Va aparea un mesaj de confirmare a operatiunii, dupa care tastati exit si apasati enter pentru a reporni calculatorul. Scoateti cd-ul de instalare al Windows si porniti normal calculatorul (daca e nevoie setati ca prim mediu de boot hard diskul). In acest moment, Windows XP ar trebui sa porneasca normal.

Aici gasiti un ghid Microsoft pentru aceasta problema: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=315338

18 ianuarie, 2011

TV-Maxe - TV online pentru Linux cu canale romanesti

De mult timp, mai exact inca de cand am inceput sa folosesc Linux, am cautat o solutie simpla si usoara pentru vizualizarea pe Linux a posturilor tv romanesti care ofera si un stream live pe internet. Pana acum putin timp nu am gasit nimic, insa recent am descoperit TV Maxe.
TV Maxe este un program scris in limbaj python de catre un impatimit al Linuxului din Romania, care a incercat sa rezolve si, intre noi fie vorba a reusit cu succes, realizarea unui programel care, folosind ca player video mplayer si/sau vlc player, cat si pluginul pentru Linux al Sopcast, permite vizualizarea de posturi tv romanesti online.
Programul ofera un playlist predefinit cu posturi tv romanesti, iar cu un simplu click dreapta pe unul dintre posturi puteti vizualiza grila de programe a postului respectiv. Calitatea streamurilor variaza, insa majoritatea pot fi vizionate la o calitate inalta a imaginii. De asemenea, cum tot mai des televiziunile emit in raport 16:9, puteti selecta din program modul de afisare 4:3 sau 16:9. TV Maxe poate fi folosit si cu o telecomanda compatibila cu Linux, pe care o puteti configura din program.
Pentru utilizatorii de Linux Mint sau Ubuntu, TV Maxe se poate instala usor folosind pachetul .deb, care contine tot ce este necesar, disponibil aici.
Pentru instalarea TV-Maxe in OpenSUSE 11.3 aveti pe aceasta pagina un ghid util.
Puteti gasi si alte lucruri interesante pa pagina programatorului: http://blog.ov1d1u.net

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