Opensuse 11.2, sistem de operare pe care il folosesc in momentul de fata in mod curent, folosind Windows numai in cazul in care am nevoie de anumite programe care nu ruleaza sub Linux, este un sistem stabil, adresat utilizatorilor de nivel mediu in linux. Eu il folosesc in special pentru aplicatii office, navigare internet si aplicatii multimedia.
Opensuse 11.2 nu se distribuie cu suport total pentru multimedia, in principal din cauza anumitor restrictii impuse de patente software americane sau alte organisme specializate. In cele ce urmeaza, voi incerca sa va arat cum sa puteti deschide aroape orice fisier mutimedia (mp3, wma, xvid, avi etc.) avand sistemul de operare opensuse 11.2 proaspat instalat.
Dupa cum stiti, pentru redarea fisierelor multimedia, aveti nevoie de instalarea unor programele numite codecuri. In Opensuse puteti face acest lucru in doua feluri:
1. Instalarea cu un singur click (one-click-install)
Foarte important: folositi linkul de mai jos numai daca folositi ca mediu de lucru KDE!
Dezvoltatorii acestui sistem de operare au creat un sistem usor de folosit pentru instalarea de programe, oferind posibilitatea instalarii de software printr-un singur click.
Pentru instalarea codecurilor multimedia necesare puteti face click pe acest link:
Decshideti fisierul cu Yast Meta Package Handler, iar daca la un moment dat va aparea o eroare de genul acesta:
doar selectati prima optiune si apoi apasati OK-Try Again.
2. Instalarea manuala a codecurilor
Puteti instala codecurile manual, dar inainte de asta trebuie sa instalati inventarul (repository) 'Packman repository'. Aveti nevoie de urmatoarele pachete:
- libxine1-codecs
- ffmpeg
- w32codec-all
- k3b-codecs
- lame
sudo zypper in libxine1-codecs ffmpeg w32codec-all k3b-codecs lame
Introduceti parola de root si in cateva minute veti avea un sistem gata sa redea fisiere multimedia.
Opensuse 11.2 - Install multimedia codecs
After a fresh installation of Opensuse 11.2 you need to install multimedia codecs to enable you to open multimedia files. That's because Opensuse doesn't come with a complete set of codecs because of some proprietary software and/or restricitons set by U.S. software patents.
There are two ways for installing multimedia codecs on Opensuse 11.2:
1. 1-click install
First I must inform you that the method presented here is valid only for KDE desktop users! This is the easiest way for the codecs installation. Assuming that you have some knowledge about software installation in Opensuse, all you have to do is to click on the following link: . This will download the yast meta package, after which you need to open it with yast meta package handler. From this point on installation is easy, but if you get an error message like this
There are two ways for installing multimedia codecs on Opensuse 11.2:
1. 1-click install
First I must inform you that the method presented here is valid only for KDE desktop users! This is the easiest way for the codecs installation. Assuming that you have some knowledge about software installation in Opensuse, all you have to do is to click on the following link: . This will download the yast meta package, after which you need to open it with yast meta package handler. From this point on installation is easy, but if you get an error message like this
just click on the first option and then hit OK-Try Again.
2. Manual codecs installation
You can manually install the codecs. but before this you need to add the Packman Repository to the Software repositories. This is the software you need:
libxine1-codecs, ffmpeg, w32codec-all, k3b-codecs, lame
To install the above open a terminal window and type the following command:
In just a few minutes, depending on your internet connection your Opensuse 11.2 will be ready to open any multimedia file.
Perhaps a good idea would be to install some nice media players like vlc-player, mplayer, smplayer etc.
2. Manual codecs installation
You can manually install the codecs. but before this you need to add the Packman Repository to the Software repositories. This is the software you need:
libxine1-codecs, ffmpeg, w32codec-all, k3b-codecs, lame
To install the above open a terminal window and type the following command:
sudo zypper in libxine1-codecs ffmpeg w32codec-all k3b-codecs lame
In just a few minutes, depending on your internet connection your Opensuse 11.2 will be ready to open any multimedia file.
Perhaps a good idea would be to install some nice media players like vlc-player, mplayer, smplayer etc.